March 08, 2019

Explore Lucknow - Shahi Baori (Royal Stepwell), Bada Imambada

Water conservation, rainwater harvesting are the buzzwords today but India has known about them from as far as 6 CE.

The Shahi Baori or the royal stepwell located inside the bada Imambada complex in Lucknow has been here since late 1700's (1785-1791 CE)  a 5 storey structure made out of local Lakhori bricks is a place worth a visit .

The entrance

The inner area

The inner areas

Stairways to lower floors

Stairways to lower floors

Restoration work in progress on lower floors by ASI

Restoration work in progress on lower floors by ASI

Restoration work in progress on lower floors by ASI

A guide managing a group weaving some interesting stories 
The Main Area 

The well which is full of silt now

Silted Well